We are an independent Slovenian company, that deals directly with all suppliers.
Because we operate without any intermediaries, we can offer our products at reasonable prices. We provide excellent hearing services, high – quality hearing aids UNITRON (Canada), SONIC (USA) and much more..
AUDIO BM hearing centers, an EXCELENT CHOICE for hearing aids and other services for better hearing and better life, available all in one place. We encourage you to read and explore the rich content of our website, where you will certainly find something interesting. If you need more information, we are happy to be at your service!
We look forward to your visit, we’ll commit to your personal goals!
We are well aware that our work can impact your life in the future and that is why we try our best with providing an excellent service and offering the latest hearing aid technology, including the basic hearing aid models, which are within the ENT referral price range (without surcharges).
We are moving milestones in the field of providing quality, affordable hearing aids and other hearing solutions.
High quality batteries are crucial for good hearing aid and cochlear implant performance. We offer hearing aid and cochlear implant batteries made by German manufacturers PowerOne and Duracell (Varta group) and also, England’s finest, Rayovac batteries.
Cleaning and taking care of your hearing aids is very important and also very simple, since we offer a variety of cleaning and care products made by a French manufacturer MG Développment.
We offer a wide range of diverse EAR SAFE hearing protection and safety products. To avoid hearing loss in the first place, we recommend using custom made hearing protection earplugs. AUDIO BM is a certified manufacturer of DREVE hearing protection that conforms to the highest standards. Our custom hearing protection products are made using the latest 3D scaning technology.
Custom made VODA X soft earplugs and EAR BAND-IT headbands provide great protection and will stop water from entering your ear canal. We also offer immediately available hearing protection made by Dutch manufacturer Alpine, which includes high quality soft earplugs that will protect your hearing against noise or water. They include special filters that suit specific situations (protection from noise at a workshop, concert…). Special Alpine earplugs are also available for children.
We have to point out our affordable hearing solutions in each and every AUDIO BM hearing center. You can take a free hearing assessment or try using our hearing aids free of charge. We offer Unitron Flex:Trial trial period hearing aids that you can take home and try in different situations (unique in Slovenia). Our individual personal counseling will assure you will be able to choose the most appropriate hearing aid that will fulfil your hearing needs and meet your expectations.
Don’t miss out on our offer at AUDIO BM web store >>
At AUDIO BM we blend our youth with tradition of the world known manufacturers. We are a certified distributor and service of hearing aids, which are a part of Sonova group (Canada/Swiss) and William Demant Holding (USA/Denmark).
At AUDIO BM we blend our youth with tradition of the world known manufacturers. We are a certified distributor and service of hearing aids, which are a part of Sonova group (Canada/Swiss) and William Demant Holding (USA/Denmark).
People are always the main focus of our work. That goes for our customers – hearing aid users, coworkers and also our business partners. Because we want to keep our focus, we are extremely devoted to continuous professional, as well as personal growth and development.
At AUDIO BM we provide:
We take our time in giving you an expert advice and consultation at our modern and accessible hearing centers.
You can try out our hearing aids at all technology levels in your home and free of charge.
UNITRON Canadian/Swiss quality hearing aids. More than 50 years of tradition!
SONIC (USA/Swiss) high quality hearing aids, which you shouldn’t overlook.
All this at very affordable prices (also without surcharges). More about our extensive and affordable hearing aid offer >>
Free informative hearing test. Simple, accurate and fast.
We offer free of charge replacement hearing aids during the repair of yours. We provide 2 year manufacturer warranty and 1 year warranty on repairs.
We manufacture custom earmolds for hearing aids and other hearing protection products against noise and unwanted water penetration in the ear canal, which are of highest quality and very comfortable. Our noise protection products have a certificate of conformity for professional use. We make use of the state-of-the-art computer procedures, including a 3D scanner.
Highest quality at an affordable price, because we conduct business with all our suppliers from Switzerland, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and USA directly and without any intermediaries.
We use the latest software for fitting our hearing aids and assessing their performance. We make use of free field voice testing and other various sound simulations (speech, music, noise…).
Numerous technical accessories for the hearing impaired and deaf, which are available via the equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities act (ZIMI) along with other accessories for the hearing aid users.
High quality batteries, care and maintenance products at affordable prices. We do not charge any additional fees for online shopping. Payment possible up to 24 instalments.
Besides, there are many reasons for you to visit us. In that way you can reassure yourself about the quality and accessibility of our products and services.

Authorised supplier of UNITRON and SONIC
Authorised supplier and service of UNITRON and SONIC hearing aids in Slovenia.
AUDIO BM employs professional hearing healthcare specialists who are enthusiastic, compassionate and ready to help. We believe in the proverb “knowledge is power” and that is why we are committed to continuous learning and keeping up with latest developments in the hearing aid industry. We will provide expert advice and assistance on your way to your better hearing.
I am certain, we are the company. AUDIO BM is based on respect to others, profession and equitable work. It makes me happy to have such a wonderful team beside me. It means the world to me.
In addition, I gained 28 years of experience in the field of hearing acoustics and audiology equipment. I believe in a saying that life is a lesson, that is why never-ending learning is my main priority. Participation at any sort of education presents a big portion of my duties, nevertheless, I find it important also for my coworkers to receive all the latest knowledge possible, therefore we normally attend educational seminars, courses together.
Attentive towards customers, bound to my goals, perfectionist, that is me in a few words.
You can contact me via e-mal f.urankar@audiobm.si or via phone: 00386 (0) 51 722 722.
Well known melody, daughter’s laugh, husband’s voice, mother’s advice, father’s greeting and last but not least our dog barking is one of my favorite sounds. As I would do anything to keep them as part of my everyday life, the best AUDIO BM team works toward the same goal, keeping your everyday full of all the sounds you love to hear. Stop by our hearing centers and trust us with your favorite sounds. With pleasure the team and I will do our best to make sure, they will meet your ears.
Sound provokes numerous emotions in us and brings back memories from our past. It is a part od everything around us that is why I am aware of how influential hearing loss can be and strive even more to come across individuals that wants to overcome the problem both in private and professional life. Also, with strong affinity to music and experiences in the field of production of sound I believe that I have a good background knowledge to work with. I believe in myself and my team and that is why I can say that together we will be making more and more people living with a smile on their faces.
I have always been interested in new technologies, components of devices, searching for failures and how to fix them. At AUDIO BM my goal is to provide the best user experience when It comes to maintenance and taking care of possible troubles if there are any. Being aware of how our hearing accessories affect quality of life I make sure there is superb care for them so they can be undisturbed while fulfilling its daily purpose.
More about me:
I work at AUDIO BM hearing center Ljubljana BTC. I have always been interested in new technologies, components of devices, searching for failures and how to fix them. At AUDIO BM my goal is to provide the best user experience when It comes to maintenance and taking care of possible troubles if there are any. Being aware of how our hearing accessories affect quality of life I make sure there is superb care for them so they can be undisturbed while fulfilling its daily purpose. I have been learning all my life. I educated into electrical engineer and multimedia engineer, beside that I have specialized in service of hearing aids, producing hearing protection and earmolds, where I see my future. Because I find new technologies interesting I have gotten myself a 3D printer. This allows me to make products out of plastic, such as spare parts of used devices. I have met with a 3D world of modeling, construction and postprocessing. Same technology is used in our company to make earmolds. Ever since I was little I was interested in electronic devices and their components. In free time I like to work with radio-guided modeling. Few years now passed since I started to actively set up and develop radio-guided drones. That hobby gave me a wide specter of electronic knowledge, montage, programming, robotics, postprocessing of composite materials, etc. Most interesting for me is FPV – it is a special way of flying that gives me a direct picture from the drone directly to video glasses. It is a special experience because it gives you a feeling of flying like a bird. In AUDIO BM I work with special group of people that are always glad to help and give the much-needed support. We are a great team striving towards perfection and individual consultations. I believe a service should be on a high level to make the experience with hearing aids even more kind for the customer. Together we are bringing you the best sound and better understanding of your loved ones. AUDIO BM is the first place to look for that.
When I first step into the hearing center, that lately became my second home, I immediately felt good energy and saw the happiness in the eyes of people on their way out. I wanted to be a part of this story of success. In AUDIO BM hearing centers, we listen to your needs and help you find the best solution that will give you the most of what you need. Hearing and understanding. Happiness is all around us and with your pleasure with us, I will be happy.
More about me:
There is nothing better than feeling like you finally know your purpose, right? When you know life has turned into the right direction and is flowing with a high velocity every day filled with energy that is bouncing from your heart to another and back? My path in AUDIO BM had started in the year of 2016. When me and my schoolmate Matic talked about our future, it was all just a part of some dreams, wrapped into a mysterious fog and a thing of present. We dreamed about humanitarian work in Africa, had an inner fight with a puberty romantic and a proud sports guy on the other side. There was never any lack of interests. And we felt the uncertain tension od tomorrows day in the air. Years passed and the clock never stopped. Childhood rainbows change and emotions build its enormous pyramids on the ground of positive and negative experiences that we gain. A path in the depth of hearing and acoustics has started with the character I have built over the years. My now late great grandmother that was dealing with severe hearing loss always repeated the word “how”. Building a kind relationship with others and helping those in need were always a goal I had. In AUDIO BM I have found the perfect combination of everything. Director Franci Urankar welcomed me along with his amazing, kind family, with coworkers we are a real team that fits together professionally and by character perfectly. We all love to work with people and sometimes spend even free time together. For me, I am the happiest when an individual with hearing loss comes to our doors and gets hearing aids fitted on their ears. The smile and words “I can hear!”. The smile that we have when we leave our work to get home. With that smile you go to sleep and wake up. Few years back I had met my schoolmate Matic again and I realized that some things are unescapable. Both him and I find work helping people, that need and want help. Visit us. I will personally guide and help you to hear with our excellent hearing aids, so you will be able to also understand what you heard. Hearing aids will be a great help in your everyday life.
Hearing and understanding are a basic human need, due to hearing problems many individuals experience lower quality of life and experience major social challenges. I believe in a world where also a hard hearing person could normally communicate with others without any boundaries, thanks to modern day technology of Unitron and Sonic hearing aids this world really exists.
More about me:
Ever since my early childhood I was interested in technology and how it works. Most of my free time was spent at Pohorje where my grandparents have their holiday home. My grandfather liked to create in his little workshop: he carved wood, fixed household gadgets, carved iron and metals… my father, as electro engineer, showed me how to bring different technical products back to life. After I finished middle school I decided for technical studies. Because I have always been interested in technology and arts I decided architecture studies will be the best for me. I gained accuracy, patience and the knowing that the best technical or aesthetic solutions are normally the simplest ones during my studies. After graduating my path lead to Vienna where I worked a year at the airport. In had an opportunity to work with people different nationalities which made me realize how much human communication is actually worth and the obstacles that it might bring. The world of deaf and hard hearing was presented to me when I first noticed a lady in the corner of a TV screen that translated the words to sign language. By that time, I had no clue that there are approximately 1000 sign language users in Slovenia. Statistics also state that there are even more that experience hearing loss later. Hearing loss is an obstacle in the daily communication, work, education, kids also have to deal with troubles listening development and nevertheless speech also. Few years ago, my grandfather faced a hearing loss, he is now a happy user of our Unitron hearing aid. Hearing acoustician profession was something that I found interesting right away. Experiences and knowledge that I gained before can be used while working now. When I get the best possible needed hearing aid to my customer I don’t only grant her quality hearing, I bring them back the connection to their surroundings, opportunity to pursuit their career path, less trouble during education or open up a chance for our little ones to develop speech. I strive to find the correct hearing aid for each and every individual with hearing loss that will allow the optimal listening based on their loss. A hearing aid that will be visually likeable in in the best use with communication in different surroundings. Since opening, AUDIO BM hearing center in Maribor changed the location to a new, better, bigger, brighter one. I would like to use this opportunity and invite all our customers to attend their yearly hearing aid control check during which we will clean, dry and professionally check if everything is in order.
Life can lead us towards a situation from which we might run or stand strong and take it as a challenge. There are always the two mentioned paths. In honor and joy it is to me, to be a part of AUDIO BM team and help people with accepting their hearing loss and strive towards a positive change on the right path that leads to better hearing and much better life.
Hearing the voice of a loved one, the sound of the waving sea, birds singing, smiling grandchildren, favorite music, understanding the news on TV and radio is something people take for granted. Healthy hearing gives us a full experience of a world around us and is also the most important sense. AUDIO BM will help you with quality service, best hearing aid offer and assistive listening devices along with understanding your needs to hear your favorite sounds again.
More about me:
Life can be such a peculiar thing. It always takes you where you never imagined it would. Sometimes it turns out great, sometimes might not – but in the end we always know it is as it was meant to be. I am no different, my life brought me anywhere I needed to be. And now I am here – your AUDIO BM hearing acoustician in Celje hearing center. What to say about myself in a few words? First, I love doing my job. Why? Because making someone’s day and future better is the best thing ever. The smile that shows on their face when hearing gets better is priceless. Even I can leave home every day with a smile on my face knowing I did something good today. Along all this, I work with an amazing group of people – coworkers that are there for me whenever I need them. Every kid dreams of some kind of profession. I wanted to be a cop, teacher, doctor, artist – and now I believe and ended up being a little of everything. I can easily say my childhood dreams are fulfilled. My main guide ever since and for whom I am most grateful by my family, friend and everyone in my life that thought me that whatever you do should not be any less than 100% as it should be. That is why I will be 100% there for you when you visit AUDIO BM hearing center in Celje and make sure your loved sounds will be heard again.
Sound as a wave exists all around us, that is why it is so important to keep good care of our hearing, because it affects our health and life quality. My name id Grega Šket and I am a multimedia producer. My field of expertise id audio, I use most of my free time for music. I am really proud to be a part of AUDIO BM team, that way with superb equipment and quality services I will be able to help you find an easy way towards better hearing. Visit me at hearing center in Celje, where I will be able to help you as much as possible and consult, so that you will be able to hear better.
Working with music and audio production is my passion. To be able to do that you need to have healthy, perfect hearing. It is easy for me to understand hard hearing people and their problems. Therefore, I wish to help each and every one to hear better and enjoy communicating with their loved ones and listening or even creating music.
My profession is multimedia engineer and therefore I have many experiences in the field of superb technologies that are directly connected with sound and communication, hearing aids and assistive listening devices for deaf and hard hearing people belong in the same field.
Active and quality life is something I strongly believe in any aspect. I understand firsthand what it is like to live with a medical problem and how to face it, accept it and lead a positive life, take the challenge and turn it to our own advantage in life.
More about me:
Located in the AUDIO BM hearing center Trbovlje I can help you find the perfect solutions for your hearing. Every year flies by and many things happened. Amazing experiences with us spread quickly and with our services and professional help our customers are satisfied and growing in number. Since opening hearing center in Trbovlje grew a bit and now we have enough room for a discrete individual consulting. Technology was always close to me and my studies were conditioned by it. I am a multimedia engineer, along with a title of carpenter and carpenter technician. As a hearing acoustician I gained an awesome opportunity to combine all the knowledge gained – work with newest technology and manual skills. Experiences of working with people were gained during my high school practical work at several media and sports events during studies by student and later contract work. As a person I believe I am positive and an athlete by heart. I have a very successful carrer in mountain biking. The positive thinking is something I try to transfer on my clients supporting spending active free time to individuals any age. An old saying says you are as old as you feel. Hearing loss should not be an obstacle that can’t be beaten. Among the excellent hearing aids that we provide there is a perfect solution for everyone. Giving back hearing can literally turn someone’s life to better. Our solutions bring customers back into society, reopens old lost contacts, brings active lifestyle with friends and family to daily basis and easy function in everyday situations and more and more. If you are dealing with hearing loss don’t hesitate, have no fear and stop by for more information. I will be glad to advise and help you on your way to better hearing and higher life quality.
To be able to hear and recognize voices is a gift that everyone needs to cherish and guard. But we don’t appreciate it as much as we should till our hearing is good. Fast recognizing hearing loss gives us chance to bring the quality of our life to a higher level. With all that you will be able to stay a part of the social life around you and keep in touch with your loved ones. As a hearing acoustician in a company AUDIO BM I will gladly do my best to keep you close to all the beautiful moments everyday sounds bring us.
Better hearing, better living! I am sure that you can find in AUDIO BM a hearing aid that will suit you best. Working with people is my passion and I wish the best for everyone that finds a way to our doors. My number one goal is happy people and solutions that will improve the communication in any lifestyle at any age. I believe that hearing aids can lift quality of life for anyone experiencing hearing loss.
More about me:
Greetings, my name is David Olenik Vivoda and I am 33 years old. I am working as a hearing acoustician in AUDIO BM hearing center Koper. As any other Slovene living in this area I love our sea. Why? Because there is no place similar with nature and kindness of people than here. Sometimes I make jokes with coworkers how the border of our region is some kind of real country border for me, because people here, strange to some, are really something quite special. Ever since I was little I knew I was meant to work with people. I wanted to do so as soon as possible and gain as much experiences as possible. Everyday situations were pure treasure, to understand, have patience, help and find a common ground to solve problems. I go by the rule that there are no problems, only solutions. In the year of 2015, when I have met our director Mr. Franci Urankar I think I won the jackpot, that can only happen once in a lifetime. I have found my other home, a home where coworkers are my family and we get along perfectly and the result is a positive attitude towards clients that can be felt as soon as you visit AUDIO BM. One of the highlights of working as a hearing acoustician is when I first fit hearing aids on client’s ears and the hearing comes back. Smile or sometimes even a tear on their face are priceless. With our work we help people and their close ones to hear and understand in many situations that used to be unbearable or got them into uncomfortable zone. I can still remember a gentleman that came by using his new hearing aids, he was walking along the beach when he asked his wife “what is this noise?” the wife was petrified that something went wrong but eventually they figured out together that what he was hearing were the sound of waves from the sea. This man remembered and was able to hear the sound of the sea after a long 20 years. Is that priceless or what?
My mission is to help people to hear better, communicate better and enjoy a full life. Let yourself hear and feel the wonderful sounds of nature, music and surrender to the joy of life in sound. In AUDIO BM hearing center, you will receive my best advice, help and all my support as I understand the troubles you are facing.
After years of working with people I follow the words of Mark Twain that kindness is the language even deaf can hear and blind can see. AUDIO BM employees are THE team driven by passion to give any customer leaving hearing center AUDIO BM the best experience possible. Hearing might be the most important sense and I am glad to have the knowledge needed to change someone’s life story and make it better.
More about me:
As hearing acoustician, I work in AUDIO BM hearing center in Kranj. Ever since I am in contact with people, ad a trainer for the youngest footballers, where I teach the football basics and now as a hearing acoustician, where I help individuals to overcome their obstacles with communication by bringing them back to the world of hearing and beside their loved ones with overcoming hearing loss. I accept learning all my life. I educated and gained a degree as work organizer, I am finishing my master’s degree and also specialize in acoustic for hearing aids, where I see my future. Ever since I was little I have been active and played sports one way or another. Sport is what made me gain valuable life lessons. You can’t always win. Sometimes you have to lose and learn how to be better and stronger. My life motto is that you have to do your very best to achieve your goals no matter how it ends. A very special group of people that I work with in AUDIO BM always come for help when needed and give me all the support when you need it most. We are one really big team that strive towards perfection and gives the best to every individual. Personally, I highly value quality of sound, that is what makes a music sincere and full. Sound quality is the number one reason we are able to understand others and AUDIO BM does the very best. Every person I greeted as sound acoustician is different and hearing situations are variable, but still my approach remains the same. I will try to bring the 100% out of every situation so you will be able to hear the sounds that you love once again and understand what the most important person in your life tells you.
Hearing is the first and fundamental condition to hear the world and communicate with others. For many reasons our hearing gradually weakens and the fact that you are dealing with hearing loss is something many people have hard time to acknowledge. Modern days brought us loads of hearing accessories which can be used to lift out quality of life. I am sure that being able to hear is a gift, that we should protect and take care of it when help is needed. Together you and I will guard and nurture your better hearing.
Practically all of my past years have been devoted to music and a good hearing by me was always much appreciated. These days most of my time is used for my family, psychotherapy studies and naturally working as hearing acoustician. Hear, feel and help others is what I was born to do. My life motto is leaving the world a better place than it was when I discovered it. I am glad that in AUDIO BM hearing centers I get to create a better world and believe that all of us together can make it much better. To hear and to be heard is the best tool we need to achieve that goal.
Ear is one of the primary and most important human senses. As a hearing acoustician with many experiences in the field of sound and room acoustics I have a very clear vision to help people dealing with hearing loss. With just the right amount of professionality and top-notch accessories I am certain that at AUDIO BM we provide the best service and let you sense the sound and communicate to a degree that leads to happiness among the loved ones and all society.
Our main goal is to provide high quality hearing aids and other hearing solutions in Slovenia. We are committed to help the hearing impaired to be able to communicate and enjoy the colourful world of sounds around them.
With our professional approach, quality hearing aids and services, along with a competitive offer (best value for the money), we quickly became a trustworthy hearing aid distributor.
- Helping reduce stigma and improve quality of life
- Offering highest possible quality at the most affordable price
- Introducing innovations
- Investing in new technologies
- Training and education of employees and professional public
Our principles:
- Customer satisfaction is our main focus
- We are kind, respectful, honest and professional towards our customers
- We offer best value for the money
- Our customers are provided with trustworthy quality products – Unitron hearing aids originate from Canada/Switzerland, Sonic hearing aids from USA/Switzerland, we also provide German manufactured hearing aid batteries, French care and maintenance products and FM system from Sweden, Great Britain, Denmark, USA…
- Education and improvement of our work processes is our constant
- Consistent adherence to company laws and internal guidelines
- We respect and encourage each other
- We are persistent and reliable
- We encourage a regular, direct and constructive communication between our colleagues
- Each employee is intensively and professionaly trained
- We support and encourage our employees in their professional and personal development
- We make sure our customers questions, wishes, initiatives and complaints are resolved quickly and favourably
- We accept customers in our clean and tidy hearing centers
- Customers can relax and keep their privacy during their consultations
- Safety of confidential personal information is very important to us. We only use them for the purposes we collect them for.
We are committed to helping you to understand and hear clearly again.
We share common goals and will do our best to satisfy your expectations.
AUDIO BM is a synonym for a comprehensive, quality based, affordable offer. >>
I am very happy with my Moxi Kiss hearing aids and that is mostly because I can actively participate in group conversations amongst friends and in the theatre. I recommend it to anyone who has trouble hearing. The employees are very kind and professional. In short, I am very pleased. A.R.F.
I decided to buy my hearing aids in one of your hearing centers. I would like to thank the kind gentleman who introduced me to various types of hearing aids. I have to emphasize his precise and useful explanation. I had visited several hearing centers, but none of them tried as hard to help as this gentleman. I am really grateful to him for finally getting know how everything functions. M.D.
Do you need help writing professionals articles in the field of hearing impaired and hearing solutions?
Are you interested in hearing solution presentations?
Do you want to collaborate with us?
• Contact: Franci Urankar
• e-mail: f.urankar@audiobm.si
• cell phone: 00386 (0) 51 722 722.
Answers to frequently asked questions are located under “FAQ” menu.
AUDIO BM – Authorised supplier and service of UNITRON and SONIC hearing aids in Slovenia.
Company name: AUDIO BM d.o.o., hearing aids, medical equipment and services
Short company name: AUDIO BM d.o.o.
Headquarters: Letališka cesta 5, 1000 Ljubljana
Telephone: 059 044 055
Email: info@audiobm.si
Website: www.audiobm.si
CEO: f.urankar@audiobm.si, cell phone: 00386 (0) 51 722 722
Bank Account: IBAN SI56 2900 0005 1138 257 (UNICREDIT BANK SLOVENIA d.d.), SWIFT/BIC: BACXSI22
Main activity: G47.740 – Retail of medical and orthopaedic products via specialized stores
Business tax number: SI51106663
Registration number: 6509347000
Ljubljana BTC 1000, Letališka cesta 5
Ljubljana VIČ 1000, Tbilisijska ulica 59
Maribor 2000, Trg revolucije 6
Celje 3000, Ljubljanska cesta 5B
Novo mesto 8000, Ljubljanska cesta 22
Trbovlje 1420, Rudarska cesta 2A
Brežice 8250, Kajuhova ulica 1
Koper 6000, Pristaniška ulica 3
Kranj 4000, Likozarjeva ulica 1
Jesenice 4270, Spodnji Plavž 5
Murska Sobota 9000, Lendavska ulica 20
Šempeter pri Gorici 5290, Trg Ivana Roba 6
Velenje 3320, Cankarjeva cesta 1A
Quick contat list:
059 044 055, 059 044 970 – Ljubljana, BTC
059 044 971 – Ljubljana, Vič
059 044 056 – Maribor
059 044 053 – Celje
059 044 057 – Trbovlje
059 044 058 – Novo mesto
059 044 059 – Brežice
059 044 054 – Koper
059 044 954 – Kranj
059 044 978 – Jesenice
059 044 979 – Murska Sobota
059 044 977 – Šempeter pri Gorici
059 044 973 – Velenje
051 722 722 – Franci Urankar, CEO
Let us help you on your way to better hearing. We will do our best!

AUDIO BM hearing centers are contract retailers for Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia ZZZS.
We accept hearing aid referrals from all ENT clinics. Choosing a hearing aid supplier is your FREE choice. Before buying a hearing aid, get to know and try out one of ours.

Many customers confirm our commitment to providing help so you can again hear and live better.
At AUDIO BM we work professionally and with our heart. We provide excellent service and the latest hearing aid models to meet all your needs and suit all generations - even at no extra cost.