DARILNE KARTICE so zelo uporabno darilo. Z njimi boste obdarovancu pokazali, da vam je mar za njihov boljši sluh. Obdarovanec lahko z njimi kupi karkoli iz naše ponudbe (baterije, nakup ali doplačilo za slušni aparat, zaščita pred hrupom ali vodo,…). Nakup darilnih kartic lahko opravite v kateremkoli AUDIO BM slušnem centru ali kar preko AUDIO BM spletne trgovine.
AUDIO BM hearing centers are contract retailers for Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia ZZZS.
We accept hearing aid referrals from all ENT clinics. Choosing a hearing aid supplier is your FREE choice. Before buying a hearing aid, get to know and try out one of ours.
Many customers confirm our commitment to providing help so you can again hear and live better.
At AUDIO BM we work professionally and with our heart. We provide excellent service and the latest hearing aid models to meet all your needs and suit all generations - even at no extra cost.